Hair loss is generally the result of genetic and hormonal factors (alopecia), diseases of hair and scalp, or over-treatment with chemicals.

Hair loss can be caused by psoriasis in which there are thick plaques of scale on the scalp. These plaques in the scalp prevent hair growth by blocking needed oxygen to the hair follicles. Hair recovery can occur once this skin condition is controlled. Eczema classified as seborrhoeic dermatitis or atopic dermatitis when it occurs in the scalp also causes temporarily hair loss. The current consensus in the scientific community is that skin disorders such as eczema, psoriasis, and contact dermatitis are the result of abnormal immune (autoimmune) response episodes. During normal immune response against infection the human body significantly increases the level of lymphocytes a form of white blood cells (leukocytes) circulating throughout the body to eliminate microorganism and toxins. Lymphocytes regulate cytokines that initiate inflammation and recruit phagocyte cells that utilizes a delicate balance of hydrogen peroxide, hydroxide ion radical, and super oxygen anion radical as bio-physiological weapons to eliminate infections, allergens, and toxins. However, in some people due to reasons not completely understood microorganisms (e.g., bacteria), fungi, yeast, and allergens can interfere with the immune defensive system resulting in severe inflammation, itching, dryness, and damaged skin. It is currently accepted that inherited genetic factors are the major causes for autoimmune response mechanisms. During the early and latter years of life genetic factors is the reason why people with unidentified immune imbalances show eczema type symptoms the most when physiologically challenged with microbiological and toxin intrusions. However, it may well be that the combination of genetic factors augmented by environmental factors (synthetic chemicals, metals, smog, radiation, process foods) are the real reasons behind dysfunctional immune responses in humans in today's modern technological world.

Many people experience hair loss after undergoing a harsh chemical process such as a perm or color. While almost all chemical hair fallout is due to operator error, the chance of it occurring is multiplied even more when people perform chemical treatments on their hair at home. In many cases people use too strong of a chemical, and the process results in hair loss. However, most of the time these chemical treatments do not result in complete hair loss so protein treatments, hair conditioners, and a good hair cut will remove most of the damage. Cases of severe stress can literally cause handfuls of hair loss at a time. Some men and women who experience stressful conditions will experience hair loss represented by thinning all over the head or in spots called “alopecia areata”. Alopecia areata means to loose hair in spots or areas of the scalp resembling circular patches. While this type of hair loss is shocking, in most cases it is not permanent. After the stress is removed, most sufferers of this type of hair loss re-grow all of the hair that they lost. However, understand that it can take months for your hair to grow back even after the stressful situation has been removed.

In men and women over forty-years-old hair loss or thinning of hair (pattern balding) technically known as “alopecia” is currently believed to be caused by the increase production of the hormone metabolite dihydrotestosterone (DHT) formed from the hormone testosterone in the prostate. Testosterone is converted to DHT by the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase. The presence of high levels of DHT in the prostate in men results in a health condition known as “benign prostatic hyperplasia” or BPH. Ultimately, DHT leaks into the body’s circulation systems (blood, lymphatic) making its way to the scalp resulting in thinning of the hair and potential balding. Over time, the action of DHT causes the hair follicle to degrade and shortens the time when hair grows (anagen phase). Though the follicle is technically still alive the hair fibers it produces will grow smaller, thinner, and weaker. With a steadily shorter anagen growing cycle, more hairs are shed, the hairs becoming thinner and thinner until they are too fine to survive daily wear and tear. The consequence of DHT interaction on hair follicles is permanent hair loss.

Estradiol, a form of estrogen found in women but also in men over forty-years-old is now known to activate pathways similar to the androgen DHT in the development of BPH in men. As men age the levels of the estrogen type hormones like estradiol increases while the level of testosterone actually decreases. Estradiol is produced from testosterone by a process called aromatization, named after the enzyme aromatase. Like DHT estradiol leaks into the circulation system traveling to the scalp and exerts an inhibitory effect hair growth in both men and women.

Propecia or oral finasteride is one popular anti-androgenic drug currently being used to treat pre-mature balding. Propecia functions by inhibiting the effect of 5-alpha reductase (enzyme) on testosterone thereby preventing the production of dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Accumulation of DHT in the scalp is responsible for hair loss. Propecia, however, only can affect the androgen DHT on hair loss. Propecia will have no effect on estrogen type hormones since they are reductase. Propecia also does not increase the rate of hair hair growth but only prevents further hair loss due to undesirable hormonal effects. Individuals using Propecia for extended periods of time may experience impotence, loss of libido and reduced sperm counts.

Rogaine (minoxidil) is another popularly used medication for the treatment of male pattern baldness. This drug was originally developed to treat high blood pressure but was observed to stimulate the growth of hair on some parts of the body.

Large-scale clinical trials involving thousands of participants have resulted in only marginal success at best with Rogaine for the treatment of male pattern baldness. After using Rogaine for 4 months 5% to 8% of patients was observed with moderate to marked hair growth on the balding vertex of the scalp. However, when compared to the control group using a placebo this figure was found to be statistically no different than the treated group. After 12 months, 39% of patients experienced moderate to marked hair growth. On the other hand 11% of those using a placebo reported an increase in hair growth, indicating that the real response rate is probably closer to 28%. From the study it can be concluded that it will take from 6 to 8 months before one will even be able to determine if using Rogaine will even have an effect on hair loss.

Successful treatment with Rogaine requires that the product be used for a lifetime. Discontinuing use of Rogaine will cause a regression to pretreatment stage of baldness in as little as 3 weeks. At present no agreed upon reason has been developed as to why Rogaine works but it has been postulated that it prevents some follicles' entry into the next anagen phase for long periods of time and thus keeps these follicles in active production.

Rogaine has the following side effects: itching and prickling, headaches, dizzy spells and, in some, heartbeat irregularities. Rogaine is not recommended for anyone who has heart trouble and its long- term safety in men over 49 remains unknown. It's safety in men over age 49 and its long-term safety remain unknown.


Xcel HGS contains a proprietary mineral/amino acid complex transport system that when massaged into the scalp supply nutrients and essentials that are known from published scientific studies to support hair growth while affecting an increase in blood flow. Xcel HGS contains vitamins that are essential for hair growth. Xcel HGS also contains plant extracts incorporated into our proprietary transport formula (patent pending) that together with essential vitamins and amino acids provide the basis for the support of healthy hair growth. Xcel HGS has further showed significant success in black males with thinning hair. Furthermore, based on customer feedback the Xcel HGS formula design has demonstrated outstanding results in aiding individuals who exhibit symptoms associated with eczema and psoriasis of the scalp. Note that Xcel HGS will not stimulate hair growth in individuals who are permanently bald.